Wanna Do Right Now

3:52 PM

Oh my god,,I really wanna buy a Digital SLR. I really fond of with this stuff. And you know what I just keep collecting my money and I have to keep my self stop shopping anything else,even I really adore,Shoes. Hahahaha.. and it`s still becoming my dream to have a DSLR and be good photograper (as a hobby I think).

The other is I really want to read some new comics and novels. Oh my oh my oh my.... PLease give me more time.. I really need more time than 24 hours instead.

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  1. ahahaha.. bagus ntan nabung dulu ajah, nanti kalo foto2 aku modelnya ya?? xixixi..

    I prefer shoes than camera. shallow, isn't it? ha.. XD

  2. bhahaha sepatu juga sangat-sangat penting bagi perempuan tapi nggak tahu neh hasrat untuk punya DSLR begitu menggebu-gebu... Okelah nanti suatu saat kalo udah punya nanti bisa jadi model (tapi tanpa dibayar alias free-charge).. bhahaha
